Sunday, July 26, 2015
Update! Sharing is Caring! - Crafting with Savvy
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Update! New Craftables!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Marleybone Crafted Clothes for Balance Wizards - Part 2

Rupert returns for another visit to our castle. He enthusiastically thanked us for this opportunity saying that he welcomes the break from the drudgery of just hanging around in the Digmoore station. I bet it can get a bit boring having to hear the Mayor's same old stories every day while waiting for young crafters to stop by. Today Rupert brings us the final 3 crafted Marleybone outfits for balance wizards.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Treetop Getaway - Part 2 - Crafting with Savvy
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Crafted Marleybone Balance Clothing - Part 1

Ahoy Mateys! Marleybone has some fun pirate themed clothes for you, as well as some outfits that are a bit more formal looking. This is one of my favorite worlds as far as clothing style goes, especially the guys' choices. Anyone recognize Rupert Salisbury in the picture for today's post? He is the recipe vendor for Balance wizards and can easily be found right in Digmoore Station.