From all of us at Castle of Crafts, we wish you the happiest and safest of Holidays! So please be careful while facing Krampus ;)
From all of us at Castle of Crafts, we wish you the happiest and safest of Holidays! So please be careful while facing Krampus ;)
This week's in depth study of Aquila gear compares the original set of Senator's Radient gear that is dropped to the Adept's Radiant Set that you may craft. Are the properties increased enough to make it worth your time, effort, and reagents? You'll need to judge for yourself as only you know exactly what needs you have and which boosts you want specifically. Every wizard has their own idea of the perfect gear after all.
Yes! Aquila gear DOES come in Myth yellow. My suggestion: RUN, do not walk, to the Dye Shop with this. I get that you want to show your Myth School pride - I do too! I choose to do so with Myth Blue though, and this outfit does look pretty sharp when dyed Myth Blue. Way better than that bright, glaring, retina burning yellow.
A whole new world, with new horizons to pursue. Where have I heard that before? Hmm, Anyhow - Mirage! It is as vast and wonderful as it looks. Beautiful vistas and new companions, strange new creatures, and sand dunes that you can explore without tripping over tree roots or getting stuck on cracks in the sidewalks. And the crafting? Yyeahh. As you can see, I'm still sporting my Khrysalis gear. On a good note, I think I'm quite content with the fact that I'm not wearing Polarian clothing. I would be so overheated it wouldn't even be funny.
We have Khalkos Coppersmith back in Dezzy's Closet. Normally, as you enter the garden from the chariot, you can find him loitering just to the right of Mount Olympus, within The Garden of Hesperides.
Have you heard? Ambrose is planning to dispatch us to a brand new world for our next assignments! Mirage: land of warm winds, arabesque atmosphere, desert terrain; how exciting! Uh, kinda. I mean seriously, I JUST finally got all of the sand out of my hair from Krokotopia. No Windbreaker, you don't get to amass a harem while there. We'll be like ambassadors representing Wizard City, please be on your best behavior! I'm so switching realms if I run into him there, I swear.
This week we have Khalkos Coppersmith visiting Dezzy's Closet. You'll find him standing within The Garden of Hesperides, just to the right of Mount Olympus as you enter the garden from the chariot, or if you have used Tapestry to Aquila Gardens. OK, I seriously don't get these recipes. You have to farm for the dropped version for your school and spend the time harvesting and collecting all of the reagents required. The crafted outfits just really don't seem THAT much better than the dropped outfits.
It's October! It's October! It's October! I absolutely LOVE October in the spiral. As the official entertainment director at the castle I am here to tell you about all of the activities available to you only in the month of October. So much to do and so little time to do it in!
Three dungeons have popped up in Ravenwood. Mainly it is Pumpkin Head in the Master Tower that drops halloween goodies, but you might as well start with the smaller towers and work your way up to master. These are only around once a year after all. There is also Mordecai and Nosferabbit making their annual appearance in the spiral.
Raise your hand if you have noticed what's new at Dezzy's Closet! You in the back, wearing the red robe from Dragonspyre ...
YES! You're absolutely correct! When searching for crafted clothing, you are no longer warned about missing vendors or that items are still being added. OMG it took forever but I've finally finished adding all of the clothes and have them stored in my closet. The site has been updated to reflect this amazing news.
OMG! Sorry, but about all I can say is dang! There is one heck of a birthday celebration that you do not want to miss out on! Use the code gobblerATEbday to receive 8 completely free and totally cool items! Concurrent member rewards: Gardening, special Daily assignment awards! There's a new mount, new pet, new fish, Five B.O.X.E.S, Lost Pages - just OMG! Go read about it cuz you are not going to believe me! Gobbles Ate Birthday Party Invitation
It is hard to be impartial when Myth wizards get stuck with a rotten draw of the cards. Theoretically, you could be well over level 40 by the time you gain access to the Village of Sorrow, which is where Shan Hao hangs out. Heck Emma just finished questing in the Cave of Solitude and she is level 41. I'm pretty sure she has neglected quite a few of the side quests even.
Level 33+ Death wizards need to seek out Yao Fan. At the risk of repeating myself, I'll state again that he is a little tricky to find. If you take a teleporter to the hub and go down into the burial mound he's in the room directly across the first battle circle with Dishonored Samoorai wandering around in it.
Attention all level 33 Ice Wizards! Lets talk Mooshu clothing. At level 33, these outfits will grant you an extra 554+ health boost. That's HUGE! Especially at this level. This week we are taking a look at the crafted clothing created for Ice wizards that have chosen spirit based spells as their secondary schools.
Attention all level 33 Ice Wizards! Lets talk Mooshu clothing. At level 33, these outfits will grant you an extra 554+ health boost. That's HUGE! Especially at this level. This week we are taking a look at the crafted clothing created for Ice wizards that have chosen Balance or elemental based spells as their secondary schools.
Heads up Life wizards! I've got your crafted clothing direct from Mooshu for those that are level 33 or higher and have chosen elemental based schools as their secondary spell set. If you are going to be wearing any of these in the near future you may want to plan ahead. Crafting the hat, robe and boots in all 3 of these outfits will require a total of 47 stone block. I dunno about you, but I always seem to be low on stone block. Probably because I transmute most of mine into fossils.
It brings me great pleasure to have Jiang Yuang here with us today. I'm absolutely thrilled he is here in Dezzy's Closet because that means that I'm not visiting HIM in the Cave of Solitude. Oh how I hate that place! Granted it isn't nearly so bad now that they have added the teleporter hub but I still have nightmares about trying to sneak past the kraken just to get across.
Today we have the clothing for Fire wizards that have chosen spirit based spells as their secondary schools.
This week's selection is the very last of the Marleybone clothing. Did I save the best for last? Kindaaa - no, not really. Crafted clothing for Life wizards do provide a really nice damage boost to life spells - which life wizards could really use if they are out in the Spiral alone and need to concentrate more on defeating creatures than healing team mates.
Life school represents the final school for us to cover in Marleybone. Almost done, can you believe it? I can't say that I'm not ready to move on to some new clothes but I think I may miss the pirate costumes just a little bit. Marleybone outfits just look fun and full of drama and mystique, I almost wish we could wear them longer. I suppose one could always stitch them to continue to wear them.
We are coming to the end of the Marleybone crafted clothes, only one more school left after Storm. While I am getting a little tired of these same outfits over and over, I have to admit, I'm also going to miss them. How can you not have a yen for adventure, mystery, drama or even a bit of silliness while wearing any of these outfits?