The group finds its way to Nightshade. Perfect timing for holiday farming! I'm getting a costume from Nightshade this year!!
You may have noticed that I've been absent from blogging lately. In case that you actually missed me, I thought I would at least fill everyone in on what I have been up to.
Zafaria Clothing! UGH and double UGH! Since starting this series I have been dreading when we made it to Zafaria and sadly I am no more prepared for it now than I was 3 years ago. I have misplaced or sold most of the clothing that I used to take the individual pictures. Manny and Mandy have been in hiding because even THEY know that the clothing they are going to be sporting are mismatched and funky looking.
Today is the last day for Christmas in July. This "Christmas" brought something brand new to the Spiral! Loremaster is teaching wizards Reindeer Knight spells! There is some speculation as to whether this will only be seasonal since she gives out Krampus year round. Other Christmas activities to indulge in:
I'm sure that everyone has heard by now that test realm is open and reveals just what changes Renee Wooften and her crew have been working on. What you may not have realized, is that after Ms. Wooften and company finish in The Commons, they clear out. What does this mean exactly? Have you put off doing Renee Wooften's quests, figuring you can always do them later? Well it is later.
What shall we do today? If you want a chance to earn your Range Pole wand and Hard Hat, you'd best quit procrastinating and head to The Commons to talk to Renee Wooften. Those quests will be gone once the update goes live.
Balance wizards are going to need 12 Hydra Treasure cards. The most you'll need of anything is 36 Acorn. You'll also need 25 Perfect Citrine, but you can buy those from many reagent vendors. I'm pretty sure that Balance wizards are the only ones who will need Sunstone in order to craft their gear found in Sudrilund, Grizzleheim. Click on any of the set titles below to see the full list of ingredients required.
I've got a nice surprise for you guys today. It is actually a mob creature that drops both cards we are hunting for today, so no need to go track down some big cheater boss to deal with. The Piscean Trooper can be found in Celestia in the District of the Stars, The Chancel, The Stellarium or in the Celestian Research Lab if you ARE looking for a challenge. The Piscean Trooper doesn't really drop much which on one hand is kinda ugh - especially since you can't even collect animus from him, but on the other hand he might have better odds of dropping what you're hunting for if he doesn't drop much else. I have no proof of this, it's just a theory, He does drop the Gold Miner Opal, which could be interesting
Generally I will warn you not to get too excited when Fickle Pickle shows up on our list of plants. I will however point out that while they will not mass produce anything that we are looking for this week, they are your best source for Fossils and seem to supply them as one of their highest drops. Fickle Pickles are also the only plant that can provide both Fossil and Aether - and they can also give you Stone Block which you can Transmute into Fossil.
Ok hunting for reagents is rough and most likely you want to combine it with other sought out items worth hunting down. The only creatures that I know of that drop both of these reagents will be found in Housing instances. Sir Lyonel LaughingStorm (Tier 1) in Grand Tourney Arena (Tier 1) and Rattlebones (Rank 7) in Rattlebones Master Challenge.
Hello, hello! Is me again with news for Death wizards who are in need of Amplify and Skeletal Pirate Treasure cards. Well, anybody for that matter. I don't have a whole lot of choices for you this week, but you really don't need much of a choice with these cards. It would be awesome if there was one plant that gave both but that is not the case.
Death wizards are going to need 6 Amplify and 4 Skeletal Pirate Treasure cards. The most you'll need of anything is 35 Aether. You'll also need 30 Fossil, which I always seem to be out of. Click on any of the set titles below to see the full list of ingredients required.
Water Lily, Kelp, and Shells, Oh My! There is only 1 creature that I am aware of that drops all 3 of these reagents and that is - oh um Rattlebones KINDA. Oops, I didn't read that very well before starting this post. Rattlebones (Rank 7) in the Rattlebones Master Challenge drops Water Lily and Shell while it is Rattlebones (Rank 14) in the Rattlebones Exalted Challenge that drops Shell and Kelp. Ok, my bad. It doesn't look like anyone drops all 3 reagents. There could be, I don't have the scoop on ALL the bosses out there yet.
There are a total of 24 critters that drop Phoenix. However, like we saw last month with Triton a lot of them are one time only quest bosses that you can't farm. I don't really bother getting information on the dudes we can't hunt. I do have a couple on accident though. I show 14 creatures that you can hunt down for this card - and I'm pretty sure that I have all of the repeatable bosses - and some that aren't. Sorry, deal with it. Fairly sure they are marked on their creature page if they cannot be hunted. There are 2 diferent places that will make good hunting grounds for you.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you right off to find yourself some Maelstrom Snap Dragon seeds. While Burning Snap Dragons will probably get you more water lily faster Maelstrom Snap Dragons are practically your one stop gardening choice for Grizzleheim and Celestia clothing for Fire wizards.
Fire wizards are going to need a Scald and 10 Phoenix Treasure cards. The most you'll need of anything is 42 Water Lily. You'll also need 25 Perfect Ruby, but you can buy those from many reagent vendors. Click on any of the set titles below to see the full list of ingredients required.
Hippity-Hoppy Easter everyone! I got a lot to cover and want to get to my Easter Dinner before it is cold so I'm gonna try to be brief!
This was our first time attending The Wild Fam's Eggstravaganza. I searched but couldn't find a link to a blog, I think they are only on YouTube and Twitter. I'm not very familiar with the hosts obviously, but had heard about it at Edward Lifegem's Bunny Run so decided to show up last minute. Dezzy was really looking forward to checking out the Fashion Show (of course she was lol) but we couldn't find any specific schedule of events and never did find out a time for it. It may have been in the posted video but It is really really hard to get an internet signal here in The Spiral, even the Twitch feed was refusing to load yesterday. Savvy called Dezzy and I away to a last minute Birthday Party - or maybe it was aposta be a surprise? Not sure, I was surprised lol.
I had a bit of a surprise when I started my research for this post. The majority of the people that drop these Treasure Cards are nonrepeatable bosses that you encounter during the quest for your minion at level 75. The good news though is that everyone else that drops these cards also drop a variety of farmable stuff - pets, school themed gear, decent pet snacks, etc.
I really really hope you made it to Edward Lifegem's Bunny Run yesterday because it was AMAZING! Where to start? This is my first time trying to cover an event and while I have lots of pics to share, I really wish I'd taken more LOL. I admit it, I was too busy gawking at all the sights and peoples and there were BUNNIES and BUTTERFLIES just EVERYWHERE! Seriously, how am I supposed to concentrate with all the colors and fluffy things around me?
HI everyone! Windbreaker said you guys might need a better source for Fossils and Sunstones. Here I am, to the rescue. Both Fossils and Sunstones are staples in the crafter's reagent cabinet and it is really a good idea to try to always have some on hand. Whether you actually need them right away or not I have some excellent plants that will help stock you up.
Seems like everyone groans when they learn they need either Fossil or Sunstone for crafting. Both reagents are used for a TON of crafting recipes. I do know of 41 critters that drop both, but the earliest you'll encounter any of them is in Avalon - which really doesn't help much if you are looking to craft Celestia Gear. Am I wrong? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Last week Dezzy mentioned that Storm wizards will need both Stormzilla and Triton Treasure Cards in order to craft the gear from Sudrilund, Grizzleheim. If crafting the Storm Celestia clothing, you could need as many as 17 Stormzilla Treasure Cards, depending on your chosen secondary school. If you are one of those wizards who prefer to let your garden gather the Treasure Cards that you will need for crafting, my news is not the greatest.
Carax Strongthread is the clothing recipe vendor in Sudrilund. He can be a little difficult to find if you don't know where to look. When you enter Sudrilund, run around the mob of Coven Frostbeaks and Darkwing Choppers, and up the bridge. If you look past the mob of Darkwing Hewers and Darkwing Choppers, you will see a burning cauldron off in the distance. Carax Strongthread is standing just behind that cauldron, you should be fine if you stick to the path - the mob doesn't venture out into it here.
The Professor has brought back his Five B.O.X.E.S. until March 4th. OK, I know that fact that the event is restricted to FIVE boxes means it's prolly exactly as last time and no new challenge. However, there could be new drops, you never know. Plus, can you ever have enough Sonic Springs? I mean seriously! From now until March 4th even my Daily Challenges will display creatures that can only be found during this event. The past awaits! Let's go save it!
Ok, I admit it, I'm at a loss here. I guess Terri and I should get together and compare notes. Yeah, yeah, Terri, I know. She's been trying to get me to do this for a while but I always do my blog posts last minute and really have no clue what I'm going to cover until then, depending on who drops what. There, I admitted it, happy? It is very possible that my records just aren't very thorough yet, but I really see no critters that drop the reagents that Ice wizards will need for their Grizzleheim clothes or their Celestia gear, that they can get to easily. Plenty of creatures in Polaris and Mirage drop these things, but Celestia or lower? Not so much. I guess I should have covered Treasure Cards this week while Terri did reagents. Even I know you can get Aether and Springs from King Parsley. Aquamarine too even so I'm sure she would have plenty of suggestions for reagents.
For those Ice Wizards that are wanting to craft their Grizzleheim and/or Celestia clothing, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you don't need to do a lot of comparison trying to figure out which plants to grow for the Treasure Cards that you are going to need. The bad news is that your options are limited. They are some pretty good options though. OK, I admit, seeds might be a tad bit difficult to find. Also, both Frozen Fly Traps and White Tiger Lily can get up to rank 5 pests. That can be a deal breaker for less experienced gardeners.
When you enter Sudrilund, run around the mob of Coven Frostbeaks and Darkwing Choppers, and up the bridge. If you look past the mob of Darkwing Hewers and Darkwing Choppers, you will see a burning cauldron off in the distance. Carax Stringthread is standing just behind that cauldron, you should be fine if you stick to the path - the mob doesn't venture out into it here.
Frost Flowers can hail from Boon Trees, Evil Snow Peas, Fickle Pickles, Frozen Fly Trap, Honey Bee Plants, Orange Dandelions, and Snow Apples. Unfortunately, I don't have any information gathered yet about Boon Trees or Snow Apples.
Dang, that's a whole lot of yellow in the picture above. Where are my sunglasses? Again, I'm going to start backwards since it seemed to work out well last time. Carax Stringthread can be found loitering in Sudrilund, directly across from where you first enter the area from Hrundle Fjord. Careful though, there's a mob to run around first, and he's standing on a platform on the other side of them.