I really really hope you made it to Edward Lifegem's Bunny Run yesterday because it was AMAZING! Where to start? This is my first time trying to cover an event and while I have lots of pics to share, I really wish I'd taken more LOL. I admit it, I was too busy gawking at all the sights and peoples and there were BUNNIES and BUTTERFLIES just EVERYWHERE! Seriously, how am I supposed to concentrate with all the colors and fluffy things around me?
Tom AKA Dworgyn AKA Friendly Necromancer gave the hosts of the Bunny Run (Edward Lifegem, Autumn Dreamwalker, and Michael Wildflame) exclusive codes to give us 1-day Butterfly Swarm mounts. I don't know if the codes are still good, but you can try redeeming BunnyRun2018 to see if you can get one too. The results were just breathtaking....

The giant swarm of Butterflies then had an impromptu run of their own: to Rainbow Bridge, Unicorn Park, Bartleby, Kraken - I think I'm missing some places, I KNOW I'm missing some pictures :(

The event hosts - Famous Edward and Famous Autumn - also had other activities such as Hide and Seek, Farming for Easter Stuffs at Nightshade, um OMG so much I've already forgotten. There was the twitch live stream of course and trivia and other games played in the twitch chat room. Guide contest, Keyword Contest, other contests that I'm sure I forgot to enter (oops) then finally, we lined up for the BUNNY RUN!

On your mark! Get set! GO! *Insert picture of tons of bunnies running through the streets of Wizard City* At least I have a good excuse for not having a picture of this. I didn't want to text and drive! Anyone buying that? It IS hard to take pictures while your hopping around on a giant bunny! TRUTH!
Then came the after parties and O.M.G. too much to do. This part, I really screwed up on because I thought I had my bases covered by friending TWO portbus wizards but alas each portbus was going to different houses so I didn't manage to get to all of them, but there wasn't time anyhow! Two people had mazes and maze contests, I'm afraid I didn't make it to their houses to get pictures. Michael Wildflame hosted a party at his Massive Fantasy Castle and played Scavenger Hunt and Hide and Seek. The winners got real prizes and everything! I did manage to attend this party but *hangs head in shame* I was too busy playing to even think about taking pictures. I'll do better in July I swear! LOL, I can't wait and looking forward to it already!
Kaitlyn hosted a scavenger hunt at her Castaway's Bungalow. A REAL Scavenger Hunt where she hid these items ...

And I think that's all I have to report though I know I'm missing a LOT because there was just SO much to do! Too much fun and so wonderful to see the community of wizards taking a day off from saving the spiral. We need a little fun or we'll turn into Cyrus!! NOOOO! Anything but that!!

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