Woot! I can NOT believe that Dezzy and Savvy are trusting me to post on the blog! Woohoo! What kind of trouble can I get into? HEY! Why does it say that my posts need to be approved by a moderator before posting? AWW MAN! So NOT fair!
So last week Terri was telling you that Orange Dandelions and Trumpet Vines were the best seeds to plant iffin you're needing leather straps. But where can you get the seeds, you might ask? Well, if you wanna be boring, you CAN just run to the bazaar. I don't think I have ever seen fewer than 100 Orange Dandelion seeds up for sale. They cost 960 gold EACH. EACH! Trumpet Vines are also plentiful, but they will run you 1920 gold. Again, that's the price for ONE!