Sunday, August 27, 2017
Celstial Housing - Part 1.1 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Humongofrog! Hunting for Treasure Cards
There are 73 creatures that drop Humongofrog treasure cards. I have info on, um, well, 39 of them. I can tell you that you are mainly going to find it dropped in Savarstaad Pass, Grizzleheim; Krokotopia; Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 5 - some of the critters on Tier 4 drop it too) and assorted areas in Celestia.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Humongofrog - Gardening for Treasure Cards

Humongofrog treasure cards can be obtained from three different plants: Deadly Helephant Ears, Fickle Pickle, and Trumpet Vine. I actually happen to have information on all three of these plants! Yay me!
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Myth Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing

Have you been keeping up with your crafting quests? Just a friendly reminder since you will need to be a Master Artisan crafter in order to craft the Dragonspyre gear. Drop in and purchase your recipes from Roanna Sorrowscale just as soon as can. She can be found in Dragonspyre Academy, between the Basilica portal and the drake that takes you to The Great Spyre.