From all of us at Castle of Crafts, we wish you the happiest and safest of Holidays! So please be careful while facing Krampus ;)
From all of us at Castle of Crafts, we wish you the happiest and safest of Holidays! So please be careful while facing Krampus ;)
This week's in depth study of Aquila gear compares the original set of Senator's Radient gear that is dropped to the Adept's Radiant Set that you may craft. Are the properties increased enough to make it worth your time, effort, and reagents? You'll need to judge for yourself as only you know exactly what needs you have and which boosts you want specifically. Every wizard has their own idea of the perfect gear after all.
Yes! Aquila gear DOES come in Myth yellow. My suggestion: RUN, do not walk, to the Dye Shop with this. I get that you want to show your Myth School pride - I do too! I choose to do so with Myth Blue though, and this outfit does look pretty sharp when dyed Myth Blue. Way better than that bright, glaring, retina burning yellow.