Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ore - Gardening for Reagents

     Dezzy is currently covering Dragonspyre Balance clothing and has warned that crafters will need substantial amounts of both Ore and Sandstorm treasure cards. I figured that this week I would try to help crafters out by featuring plants that can produce ore. There are four plants that are known to yield this reagent.

     I received the following when I grew 10 seeds of each plant for one cycle:
12Helephant Ears9
3Snap Dragon7
0Fickle Pickle14
     I received the following when I grew 10 seeds of each plant for 30 days:
1Fickle Pickle2

     I admit, I don't have an overwhelming amount of information on these four plants. But what I DO know is that we can see a significant pattern. I'm very confident to say that it is my recommendation that Helephant Ears are the best plants to grow if you are looking for Ore.

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