Sunday, November 27, 2016
Azteca Housing - Part 3 - Crafting with Savvy
Sunday, November 20, 2016
So Many Possibilities in Mirage

A whole new world, with new horizons to pursue. Where have I heard that before? Hmm, Anyhow - Mirage! It is as vast and wonderful as it looks. Beautiful vistas and new companions, strange new creatures, and sand dunes that you can explore without tripping over tree roots or getting stuck on cracks in the sidewalks. And the crafting? Yyeahh. As you can see, I'm still sporting my Khrysalis gear. On a good note, I think I'm quite content with the fact that I'm not wearing Polarian clothing. I would be so overheated it wouldn't even be funny.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Test Realm is Open!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Level 30 Aquila Gear for Balance Wizards
We have Khalkos Coppersmith back in Dezzy's Closet. Normally, as you enter the garden from the chariot, you can find him loitering just to the right of Mount Olympus, within The Garden of Hesperides.