Sunday, April 29, 2018
Celestial Housing - Part 3.1 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Water Lily, Kelp, and Shell - Hunting for Reagents

Water Lily, Kelp, and Shells, Oh My! There is only 1 creature that I am aware of that drops all 3 of these reagents and that is - oh um Rattlebones KINDA. Oops, I didn't read that very well before starting this post. Rattlebones (Rank 7) in the Rattlebones Master Challenge drops Water Lily and Shell while it is Rattlebones (Rank 14) in the Rattlebones Exalted Challenge that drops Shell and Kelp. Ok, my bad. It doesn't look like anyone drops all 3 reagents. There could be, I don't have the scoop on ALL the bosses out there yet.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Phoenix - Hunting for Treasure Cards

There are a total of 24 critters that drop Phoenix. However, like we saw last month with Triton a lot of them are one time only quest bosses that you can't farm. I don't really bother getting information on the dudes we can't hunt. I do have a couple on accident though. I show 14 creatures that you can hunt down for this card - and I'm pretty sure that I have all of the repeatable bosses - and some that aren't. Sorry, deal with it. Fairly sure they are marked on their creature page if they cannot be hunted. There are 2 diferent places that will make good hunting grounds for you.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Water Lily, Kelp, and Shell - Gardening for Reagents

I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you right off to find yourself some Maelstrom Snap Dragon seeds. While Burning Snap Dragons will probably get you more water lily faster Maelstrom Snap Dragons are practically your one stop gardening choice for Grizzleheim and Celestia clothing for Fire wizards.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Fire Wizard's Guide to Grizzleheim & Celestia Crafted Clothing

Grizzleheim Clothing
Fire wizards are going to need a Scald and 10 Phoenix Treasure cards. The most you'll need of anything is 42 Water Lily. You'll also need 25 Perfect Ruby, but you can buy those from many reagent vendors. Click on any of the set titles below to see the full list of ingredients required.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Easter, Eggstravaganza, April Fool's Day Mount, Trolls!

Hippity-Hoppy Easter everyone! I got a lot to cover and want to get to my Easter Dinner before it is cold so I'm gonna try to be brief!
This was our first time attending The Wild Fam's Eggstravaganza. I searched but couldn't find a link to a blog, I think they are only on YouTube and Twitter. I'm not very familiar with the hosts obviously, but had heard about it at Edward Lifegem's Bunny Run so decided to show up last minute. Dezzy was really looking forward to checking out the Fashion Show (of course she was lol) but we couldn't find any specific schedule of events and never did find out a time for it. It may have been in the posted video but It is really really hard to get an internet signal here in The Spiral, even the Twitch feed was refusing to load yesterday. Savvy called Dezzy and I away to a last minute Birthday Party - or maybe it was aposta be a surprise? Not sure, I was surprised lol.