The group finds its way to Nightshade. Perfect timing for holiday farming! I'm getting a costume from Nightshade this year!!
You may have noticed that I've been absent from blogging lately. In case that you actually missed me, I thought I would at least fill everyone in on what I have been up to.
Zafaria Clothing! UGH and double UGH! Since starting this series I have been dreading when we made it to Zafaria and sadly I am no more prepared for it now than I was 3 years ago. I have misplaced or sold most of the clothing that I used to take the individual pictures. Manny and Mandy have been in hiding because even THEY know that the clothing they are going to be sporting are mismatched and funky looking.
Today is the last day for Christmas in July. This "Christmas" brought something brand new to the Spiral! Loremaster is teaching wizards Reindeer Knight spells! There is some speculation as to whether this will only be seasonal since she gives out Krampus year round. Other Christmas activities to indulge in:
I'm sure that everyone has heard by now that test realm is open and reveals just what changes Renee Wooften and her crew have been working on. What you may not have realized, is that after Ms. Wooften and company finish in The Commons, they clear out. What does this mean exactly? Have you put off doing Renee Wooften's quests, figuring you can always do them later? Well it is later.
What shall we do today? If you want a chance to earn your Range Pole wand and Hard Hat, you'd best quit procrastinating and head to The Commons to talk to Renee Wooften. Those quests will be gone once the update goes live.
Balance wizards are going to need 12 Hydra Treasure cards. The most you'll need of anything is 36 Acorn. You'll also need 25 Perfect Citrine, but you can buy those from many reagent vendors. I'm pretty sure that Balance wizards are the only ones who will need Sunstone in order to craft their gear found in Sudrilund, Grizzleheim. Click on any of the set titles below to see the full list of ingredients required.