Sunday, December 31, 2017
Empyrean Housing - Part 2 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Hunting for Aether, Golden Pearl, and Shell Reagents

*Whines* This week is HARD! I was hoping to track down some critters that drop this week's reagents AND drops Christmas stuff but yeah that so not going to happen. Mostly I found some critters in Mirage that drop Christmas seeds all year long. Is anyone THAT dedicated to farming to pick a fight in Mirage? MooShu or Marlybone maybe.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Aether, Aquamarine, Golden Pearl, and Shell: Gardening for Reagents
Last week we learned that Aether, Golden Pearl, and Shell are on our grocery list for the Celestia Clothing Recipes. We'll also need Aquamarine for the gear that is found in Sudrilund, Grizzleheim. When Dezzy asked me for a gardening recommendation, I had answered off the top of my head with King Parsley. I was pretty close! King Parsley will get you Aether and Aquamarine in nice amounts. However, upon closer inspection, Maelstrom Snap Dragons will net you all four ingredients that we are searching for in the upcoming months. PLUS you can get mega snacks from Maelstrom Snap Dragons when they elder! That's always a plus! :) Also, you can harvest all but the shells from both Deadly Helephant Ears and Evil Magma Peas.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Life Wizard's Celestia & Grizzleheim Crafted Clothing
When you get to level 50ish, things sure do get interesting. You have the Celestia gear at level 55 and the Grizzleheim gear at level 56. Which is better Celestia or Grizzleheim? I really think that Celestia gear is seriously underrated. A lot of wizards don't bother crafting the Celestia gear and just jump right to their Sudrilund Set. It is hard to beat the item cards that you get from the Grizzleheim clothing but if you do often use your secondary school spells, don't rule out the Celestia Gear.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Empyrean Housing - Part 1 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Hunting for Harvest Hannah
Found her! Does that mean I get to take the rest of the day off? NO?! Aww mannn. Harvest Hannah is easy to find obviously, even I could do it. She is in the Shopping District of Wizard City, by the fountain heading towards Elik's Edge. What isn't so easy to find, however, is the stuff that she sells, without spending your hard earned crowns. But fear not, I have some handy tips for you.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
But Where is the Gardening?
What is the hub bub about the new "revered" crafting level? Let me help you understand the new reagents, where to find them, and how to get them.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Wanted: New Clothing Recipe Vendor Location?
Those of you who have found your way to the test realm may be aware of the news! There has been an outcry from the wizarding community about the fact that we are way overdue for some new crafted gear. Our pleas have been heard - though this is not exactly what we may have had in mind, I am hopeful that it is a precursor for goodness to come. Nope. I'm actually not talking about the new level 120+ gear offered in Empyrea. I'm talking about level 50+ gear that offers healing properties. What?? I know, I know, you think I'm joking right? Unfortunately I didn't get a pic any of the Healer's gear. I had wanted to check out Empyrea and thought there would be plenty of time! But let me start at the beginning.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Celestial Housing - Part 1.3 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Meteor Strike! Hunting for Treasure Cards
Hiya Folks! Welcome back to Hunter's Lair. I have notes here from both Dezzy and Terri Saying that you might be hunting for Meteor Strike Treasure Cards and Burning Snap Dragon Seeds this week. I know of 72 creatures that drop Burning Snap Dragon, and 56 thing-a-dos that drop Meteor Strike. I can only think of 8 critters that drop both.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Meteor Strike: Gardening for Treasure Cards
Hello fellow gardeners! I'm afraid that I don't have very good news for you again this week. You'll only get Meteor Strikes from Burning Snap Dragons and in 30 days I only received TWO. Ugh. You don't necessarily want to increase the growing rate with these since it doesn't need to be an elder harvest to receive Meteor Strike.
Monday, October 2, 2017
IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! HALLOWEEN IS REALLY HERE! Halloween is my favorite holiday in the Spiral and there is much excitement here at the Castle of Crafts!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Fire Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing
These are the last of the Dragonspyre crafted clothing outfits to be found here in Dezzy's Closet. You would think that Dragonspyre would favor Fire wizards, but this is not the case. Wizards that have chosen Fire spells as their primary school are the last wizards to reach their vendor in the Drake Hatchery. Most likely, wizards that have done their side quests will be well above level 44 when they reach this area.
You'll find Anilla Firemantle across the street from the Teleporter hub and I strongly suggest you stop and talk to her as you run by, if you haven't already. Look below! I actually have a map for her :)
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Celestial Housing - Part 1.2 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Blizzard: Hunting for Treasure Cards
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Blizzard! Gardening for Treasure Cards

I can absolutely, positively, without a doubt, tell you that your best gardening source for Blizzard Treasure Cards is *drum roll* the Frozen Fly Trap! OK, who guessed that the Frozen Fly Trap is the only source for Blizzards? You'd be right, which would be why it is THE best source. However, it is not a bad source, pretty good actually.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Ice Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing
We have a special guest here in Dezzy's Closet this week! Our very own Emma Icecrafter is here sporting her Set of the Fireblizzard that she is currently wearing as she quests in Dragonspyre with Ghost. Emma says that she is very happy with her gear, as Dragonspyre marks the beginning of Ice wizards' exceptional Health boosts: nearly an additional 250 health than any other wizards will see with their crafted gear! Emma is preparing for tankdom and we certainly are looking forward to having a tank within our group!
Ice wizards that are level 44 or higher can buy their recipes from Fenrik Doomseeker in the Crystal Grove. You can find him loitering not far from the Teleport Hub. All three recipes will cost a total of 4406 gold.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Celstial Housing - Part 1.1 - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Humongofrog! Hunting for Treasure Cards
There are 73 creatures that drop Humongofrog treasure cards. I have info on, um, well, 39 of them. I can tell you that you are mainly going to find it dropped in Savarstaad Pass, Grizzleheim; Krokotopia; Spiral Cup Gauntlet (Tier 5 - some of the critters on Tier 4 drop it too) and assorted areas in Celestia.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Humongofrog - Gardening for Treasure Cards

Humongofrog treasure cards can be obtained from three different plants: Deadly Helephant Ears, Fickle Pickle, and Trumpet Vine. I actually happen to have information on all three of these plants! Yay me!
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Myth Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing

Have you been keeping up with your crafting quests? Just a friendly reminder since you will need to be a Master Artisan crafter in order to craft the Dragonspyre gear. Drop in and purchase your recipes from Roanna Sorrowscale just as soon as can. She can be found in Dragonspyre Academy, between the Basilica portal and the drake that takes you to The Great Spyre.
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Celestial Housing Introduction - Crafting With Savvy
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Seraph - Hunting for Treasure Cards
Helloooo! I know, I know, I missed posting last week. I been busy, I swear! Alric and I have been busting our humps trying to track down all the creatures that you can collect animus from. We almost had them all when Monstrologist Burke added Treants, Pigs, and Gobblers into the mix! As it is, we are currently at 475 of the critters and Alric and I are currently in Crimson Fields, MooShu collecting several more to add to that.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Seraph - Gardening for Treasure Cards

Okie dokie Life wizards, Dezzy said you might need some help finding Seraph cards. I have got a really nice plant for you. The Angel Oak is the only plant that you can harvest Seraph TC from. But never fear, it is fairly easy to take care of since it doesn't attract any pests higher than rank 2.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Life Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing

Welcome to Dragonspyre clothing, Life Wizards. Stop and see Egon Dreadfaust just as soon as you have access to the Forum. If you have a friend that you can port to there, even better. He doesn't usually wander very far from the Teleport hub, I couldn't even tempt him to come and visit us today.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Azteca Housing - Crafting with Savvy - Part 6
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Member Gardening Rewards
Curiosity question: Do you have plants that sit at elder awaiting the glorious few days that members receive double rewards? If so, which ones? Are you gardening for reagents or mega snacks? Are you hoping to double the number of seeds/plants you currently have? All of the above?
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Death Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing

Are you ready Death Wizards? You are going to need to track down Nada Sunderblade. She will be found loitering in The Necropolis just waiting for customers to come buy clothing recipes from her.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Azteca Housing - Crafting with Savvy - Part 5
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Kraken - Hunting for Treasure Cards
Did you know that there are 8 different Krakens in the spiral that we might face? Only 5 of these can be farmed and is all that most wizards will ever see. Not surprising, Storm wizards will face 7 of these creatures and Balance wizards will face 6. Of those five that we can farm, only two actually drop the Kraken treasure card, the Sea Lord in Dragonspyre and the Enraged Kraken in MooShu.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Kraken - Gardening for Treasure Cards in Terri's Garden
Hello fellow gardeners! I really wish that I had better news for you this month. Dezzy tells us in her Storm Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing that a total of 25 Kraken are needed to craft each entire clothing set. There is only 1 plant which can give Kraken Treasure Cards. As most of you know, I grow 10 plants at a time. From my experience, Maelstrom Snap Dragons only produce Krakens at elder harvest, and I have only ever received ONE card per cycle from my 10 plants.
You could have better luck growing more and using Moolinda's treasure cards to give all plants sun and water, but those can be hard to come by. You can often get the sun spell in the bazaar but let's face it, if you are going to resort to a trip to the bazaar, you may as well just buy the Kraken treasure cards. You could grow them anyways and hope to also receive braided vine for your efforts, but I've received even fewer of those than Kraken. Hunter may have some better news for you next week as far as farming for Kraken cards but I'm afraid gardening is a bust. Sorry that I can't help you more :(
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Storm Wizard's Guide to Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing

The second clothing vendor that we run across in Dragonspyre is Todor Warchanter. The Grand Chasm is Todor's favorite haunt. He has clothing recipes for Storm wizards that are level 44 or higher. I think Storm wizards will be happily surprised with the boosts given here. A little lower health boost than other wizards see in this world but some serious damage and accuracy boosts!
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Azteca Housing - Crafting with Savvy - Part 4
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Egg Hunt Winners!
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Sandstorm! Hunting for Treasure Cards
Hey howdy hey! It's me again! I'm here to hop on the sandstorm bandwagon. Hey, not my fault. Dezzy says balance wizards wanting to craft the Dragonspyre clothing are going to need lots of them and I aim to be helpful. Ok, so my aim is often a bit to the left of helpful, but I'm working on it!
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Sandstorm - Gardening for Treasure Cards

This week's post is pretty much a no brainer. Two plants can produce Sandstorm treasure cards when you harvest them: Fickle Pickles and Boom Shrooms. Growing 10 Fickle Pickles for a full month netted me 2 sandstorm treasure cards. Two. I only had 10 seeds to grow Boom Shrooms for one cycle. This took 8 days from planting to elder. Boom Shrooms produced 8 sandstorm treasure cards. EIGHT!! WOOT!
My last blog post was about Gardening for Ore which you can also get from Fickle Pickles. Balance wizards who are looking to craft the Balance Clothing that Dezzy has been showcasing COULD plant a boat load of Fickle Pickles and hope to get enough Ore and Sandstorm -- and you WOULD ... eventually. You would also get lots of other interesting Treasure Cards, reagents, snacks, and probably enough Fickle Pickle seeds to vegetate Mirage with a bit of time and effort.
Personally though, I would plant at least 10 Boom Shrooms for Sandstorm Treasure Cards and fill the rest of a large area with Helephant Ears to get ore. They both require water and neither have pest needs greater than rank 2. Boom Shrooms also require music, but you can easily fit 10 plants into a medium area and use 8 energy for the music spell. Then use the large area spells for water and pests and your garden is all good to go!
Friday, April 7, 2017
Come Join Us For An Egg Hunt!
OH! It has just been nuts trying to get Windbreaker to commit to a schedule. I swear it would be easier to pull teeth from a chicken sometimes. But I DID finally manage it! I'm SO excited and can't wait! We'll be in the Troll Realm on Saturday April 15th, 2017, you SO hafta join us!
Who | Where | When |
Scarlet Fairysinger Hunter Windbreaker | Stormdrain Tower Lord Nightshade | 2pm-4pm |
Emma Ice Crafter Laura Ghostflower | Emperor's Throne Room Jade Oni | 4pm-6pm |
Destiny Legendcrafter Savannah Anvilshield | Raven Fortress Othin Stormfather | 7pm-9pm |
Scarlet Fairysinger Alric Bearbreath | Stormdrain Tower Lord Nightshade | 9pm-12m |
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Balance with Elemental Based Boosts - Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing
Sunday, March 26, 2017
What Shall We Do? EGG HUNT!!
Hi. Hi! HI! I'm so super excited. Who's up for an egg hunt? On Saturday April 15th, 2017 the Castle of Crafts residents will be out hunting down pet eggs from Lord Nightshade, Jade Oni, and Othin Stormfather. Watch for further details and a schedule of events to be posted SOON!
Please keep in mind that if you are hoping to pull a Stormrider Hare mount out of anyone's hat, you will need to be specific levels for each boss:
Creature | Wizards must be level: |
Lord Nightshade | under 20 |
Jade Oni | under 50 |
Othin Stormfather | under 60 |
So how many pet eggs do you see in the picture above? Shout out your answer in the comments!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Ore! Hunting for Reagents
So there are close to 500 creatures that drop ore, I can't really be expected to have info on ALL of them yet can I? *Sigh* Scarlet and Dezzy are both nodding YES. I do know 100 creatures that drop ore. While I may not have a complete list of critters that drop ore, I DO have a couple of tricks up my sleeve. Don't I always? *WINK*
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Ore - Gardening for Reagents
Dezzy is currently covering Dragonspyre Balance clothing and has warned that crafters will need substantial amounts of both Ore and Sandstorm treasure cards. I figured that this week I would try to help crafters out by featuring plants that can produce ore. There are four plants that are known to yield this reagent.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Balance with Spirit Based Boosts - Dragonspyre Crafted Clothing
Welcome to the wonders of Dragonspyre clothing. Today we have the Balance clothing for wizards that have chosen spirit based spells as their secondary schools. Zanara Sablemoon apologizes that she could not be with us in person, but is here in spirit.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Windbreaker Breaks Out of the Lair

Woot! I can NOT believe that Dezzy and Savvy are trusting me to post on the blog! Woohoo! What kind of trouble can I get into? HEY! Why does it say that my posts need to be approved by a moderator before posting? AWW MAN! So NOT fair!
So last week Terri was telling you that Orange Dandelions and Trumpet Vines were the best seeds to plant iffin you're needing leather straps. But where can you get the seeds, you might ask? Well, if you wanna be boring, you CAN just run to the bazaar. I don't think I have ever seen fewer than 100 Orange Dandelion seeds up for sale. They cost 960 gold EACH. EACH! Trumpet Vines are also plentiful, but they will run you 1920 gold. Again, that's the price for ONE!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Leather Straps - Gardening for Reagents

If you think about it, leather straps are in great demand for crafting. They cannot be harvested as many reagents can be. They can be transmuted with only 5 bones, but bones aren't harvested anywhere in the spiral either. Believe it or not, leather straps are used in 287 recipes! Here's how it breaks down:
65 Hats |
63 Robes |
68 Pairs of boots |
3 Amulets |
1 Athame |
1 Ring |
66 Housing Items |
Both pogo stick mounts |
Transmute Ectoplasm |
Chocolate Donut |
Ninja Pigs Spell |
15 Treasure Cards |
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Ice Wizards Aquila Gear Level 30

Today is Khalkos Coppersmith's last visit in Dezzy's closet. At least for a while, until we get to the level 60 gear at any rate. Last but not least, we portray the level 30 Aquila gear for Ice wizards. Even the dropped gear gives way more health and resistance than the other schools. This could however very well be the best crafted set available in Aquila at this level.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Evil Snow Peas - Gardening for Reagents

Welcome back to Terri's Garden! I debated and argued with myself trying to figure out which plant to start with. There are so many AWESOME plants! Flowers that give reagents, veggies that produce treasure cards, many even give mega snacks, housing items, or PETS! How to choose? OMG it was so hard. Finally I said to myself, "Myself, there is only one plant that you can confidently predict what crafters can expect to get from harvests. It is the only plant that you've completed a full 10 harvests for a decent sample." Myself thought for a minute and then whined "But Evil Snow Peas are boring, and basically pointless unless you're an Ice wizard!" So I did some research to prove Myself wrong.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Life Wizards Aquila Gear Level 30

Khalkos Coppersmith is back in Dezzy's closet. I swear I need to start charging him rent or something. OK Life wizards, it is your turn for a comparison of the dropped Aquila gear versus the crafted gear. The dropped gear gives way more health and resistance than the other schools - except maybe ice. I really wonder sometimes if Khalkos is in cahoots with Elik Silverfist to get more reagent sales at the bazaar.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
What Shall We Do Today? B.O.X.E.S.!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Storm Wizards Level 30 Aquila Gear

Hear ye! Hear ye! Storms wizards, gather around and join me in Dezzy's Closet. Khalkos Coppersmith is ready to showcase the gear that you can craft to wear at level 30. We really begin to see where Storm wizards get the short end of the stick here. Most schools have close to an extra 100 health boost more than Storm wizards receive in their gear. Usually Storm wizards get a lot more damage boost to equal things out but that is not the case here at all.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Introducing Terri's Gardening Experiments

Who knew it would be so soon that I could begin sharing my findings? Savvy has been busy combating evil in Mirage and playing with the new housing magic in our castle, so I get to fill in for her until she is ready to resume her posts! Yay me!
Ok so at first I was going to pick a random plant to start with, but which one?? So many choices! Granted I only have one plant that I have completely finished Phase One of my experiments. Phase One, you ask? Exactly. I decided instead that maybe I should explain exactly what I have been experimenting with. It is a daunting project, I must say.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Upcoming Plans for 2017

Hi! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Do you remember me? It's Me, Terri! You know! As in Terri's Garden? I KNOW! It has been forever since I have had the run of the blog :) But Guess what?? You'll never guess! Nope! Nuh uh! OOh, I'm gonna burst, lemme just tell ya! Dezzy is working on getting my garden ready to be included on the site! Can you believe it?! I've been gardening my little wand to the nub for TWO years trying to collect information and it seems like every time I get close, plants mutate and start doing new things! Like dropping housing items or ultra seeds! I have several different plants that I have compiled a decent amount of information on - not all the plants of course, I only have so much energy y'know - but a LOT!